Hi, I'm Mark for Tax.com. Only the custodial parent, with whom the child lived for more than half the year, can claim the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child and Dependent Care Credit, and the Head of Household filing status. A non-custodial parent can claim his or her child as a dependent if the custodial parent has signed either a Form 8332 or a similar statement. If the non-custodial parent is able to claim his or her child as a dependent, the non-custodial parent will receive the dependent exemption as well as the Child Tax Credit. For more information, visit Tax.com.
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Is 8332 necessary Form: What You Should Know
For example, use Form 8332 When to Use Form 8334: An Example is presented for Form 8334, Release Tax for Dependent Child or Children Sep 01, 2025 — If filing a child support order for your child, use Form 8858 or Form 8332, Release Tax A release tax release (Form 8332) is used as a tax document to make an exception to payment of child support A child support order will only allow the custodial parent to claim the exemption for the child and not include that custodial parent as a dependent for federal tax purposes. If the custodial parent's income is less than the noncustodial parent, the noncustodial parent may be forced to include the noncustodial parent in his/her gross income. If you can meet the above criteria, here are the steps: 1. Identify your child, 2. Include the child in your gross income, and 3. Attach a copy of the Form 8332 (a tax document) to the income tax return or the payment for the child support order. How To Obtain Form 8334. In most cases, the income tax exemption will be for the child for federal tax purposes unless the release of the exemption is requested after June 24, 2018. The form can be mailed to “Child Support Enforcement Unit, H&R Block LLC PO Box 60327” In some cases, you may be able to request a copy of the Form 8334 if: 1. Both parents and the child agree to the release of the child as an exemption; 2. The child has a mental disability; or 3. There are other valid reasons. Contact your IRS Tax Counseling Center for assistance in Obtaining Form 8334 Important: When contacting your local IRS tax assistance program, you should always ask for Form 8334.  They may not have the form in their library or office. As a parent, there is absolutely no requirement for form 8334 to be filed by the custodial parent. However, a child support order will only allow the custodial parent to claim the exemption for the child.  If you can meet the above criteria, and your noncustodial parent is not asking for the release of an exemption, then you do want to file Form 8334, so you have a basis for your tax argument.
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