Back out sooner or later any discussion of apologetics with fundamentalists will address the Inquisition. To non-Catholics, it is a scandal. To Catholics, an embarrassment. To both, a confusion. It is a handy stick for Catholic bashing, simply because most Catholics seem at a loss for a sensible reply. This video will set the record straight. There have actually been several different inquisitions. The first was established in 1180, in southern France, as a response to the Cathar heresy. This was known as the medieval Inquisition and it was phased out as Catharism disappeared. Quite separate was the Roman Inquisition, begun in 1542. It was the least active and most benign of the three variations. Separate again was the infamous Spanish Inquisition, started in 1478. It was a state institution used to identify conversos (Jews and Moors who pretended to convert to Christianity for purposes of political or social advantage) and secretly practiced their former religion. More importantly, its job was also to clear the good names of many people who were falsely accused of being heretics. It was the Spanish Inquisition that, at least in the popular imagination, had the worst record of fulfilling these duties. The various inquisitions stretched through the better part of a millennia and can collectively be called the Inquisition. Don't fear the facts. The church has nothing to fear from the truth. No account of foolishness, misguided zeal, or cruelty by Catholics can undo the divine foundation of the church. Though admittedly, these things are stumbling blocks to Catholics and non-Catholics alike What must be grasped is that the church contains within itself all sorts of sinners and knaves, and some of them obtain positions of responsibility. Even Christ himself warned us that there would be a few ravenous wolves among church leaders. Fundamentally,...
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8332 consequences Form: What You Should Know
A custodial parent is a parent who is responsible for all family support, or who is responsible for the majority of support, or both, What can I do with a Form 8332? Form 8332 requires that the custodial parent sign it and present it to the noncustodial parent. You can use Form 8332 to: Release the child from dependency, and Allow the noncustodial parent to sign the form releasing the child from dependency. Form 8332, Release/Revocation of Release of Claim to Exemption for Child by Custodial Parent Aug 16, 2025 — A custodial parent must sign the completed Form 8332 and present it to the noncustodial parent to release the child from dependency. This form can also be used by the custodial parent to revoke the child's release from dependency. What are the benefits of the Form 8332? The custodial parent can release the child from dependency and sign the form releasing the child from dependency. Also, the custodial parent can sign the form allowing the noncustodial parent to sign the form releasing the child from dependency. When the signed form is present on both sides, the child qualifies for the exemption listed on the form. Will you have to sign the Form 8332? Yes. If you sign the form, you'll have to give it to the custodial parent to sign. It's not enough for the custodial parent to sign it. If there is any disagreement about the child's eligibility, Form 8332 can be a very important document for custodial parents. You may want to discuss the benefits of Form 8332 with your attorney before you sign the form. What happens if I don't sign Form 8332? If the noncustodial parent doesn't sign the form, the child will remain dependent, but you will not be considered a custodial parent. The child will be eligible to receive any benefits available to a dependent child (such as the enhanced child tax credit, the child and dependent tax credit, and custodial parent of exemption for dependents). Do I have to sign if we are separated? Under federal law, an estranged spouse is not considered a custodial parent of the child, and neither spouse is a custodial parent of the child.
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